Cultivating Success
One Farmer
at a Time
Whether you are a farmer with an injury, illness, or aging condition, Michigan AgrAbility provides direct services to help you keep farming.
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What We Do
In partnership with Easterseals MORC and Michigan State University, Michigan AgrAbility provides help to farmers with chronic health conditions, such as:
Back pain or strength issues
Hearing or vision loss
Amputations and paralysis
Stroke, head injury, or PTSD
Fatigue and other disabling medical conditions

Farmers need to farm; it’s in their DNA.
Our goal is to help the individual keep farming in order to generate an adequate income to provide for his or her family.
Who We Serve
Michigan AgrAbility serves farmers throughout the state of Michigan. Our clients range from large scale farms to those small growers who are working just a few acres or a greenhouse.
If you do not live in Michigan, the national AgrAbility website lists programs in other states.

How It Works
We begin with an assessment that includes collecting:
Collecting medical information
Conducting a detailed assessment of the farm operation
Determining the impact of the disability on the farmer's ability to do farm work
Determining the impact on the farmer's family
Determining the impact on the family's total income
The Assistive Technology Professional then makes recommendations that may include the use of different tools, modifications to the worksite, procedural changes, or suggestions for alternative agricultural production more suited to the farmer’s current capabilities.