A Massive Stroke Almost Ends Plans of Retirement Farming

After the stroke in October of 2008, Gary was not expected to ever walk, talk, use his right arm, swallow or eat without a feeding tube again. Gayle, Gary’s wife, was encouraged to place him in a nursing home, but with typical farm-wife feistiness, she insisted that her husband be reevaluated and placed into physical therapy. Gayle’s persistence won and Gary eventually returned home. Then in 2010, Gary had another stroke and a serious seizure the following year.

Despite the setbacks, he has persisted in following the dream and has returned to tending the livestock on the rural estate. Gary continues to run the Glownia Farm, a pasture-based farm supporting 27 Shetland sheep, 20 Pygora-type goats, and 40 laying hens.

Read more about Gary’s story in this article.

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Meet Doug Ver Hoeven


Losing Leg Does Not Stop Farmer